3 Ways to Kickstart Your New Business Process

The most effective new business processes turn prospects into leads by educating those prospects on how your products and services can solve their specific problems.

But when creating a proactive new business program, many teams struggle to know where to begin. We always point to these three areas to start your plan of attack: Audience, Content and Execution.


The first and most important step you should take when deciding how to begin your proactive outreach to prospects is to determine who your audience is. You need to know who your target audience is so you ask the right questions – who, why and what – to help narrow who you are marketing to. You must clearly define who your “right to win” clients are. If your team is perfectly positioned to provide the best service possible to a prospect in your niche, that’s a right to win client, and they should be working with you.

After you create your right to win list, you can begin including additional targets you see as great fits, which are a slight reach from your perfect right to win group. Agencies will often limit themselves by “fishing in too small of a pond,” or creating lists of prospects that exclude too many winnable clients. Create a realistic and appropriately sized group of contacts to attack with your approach. A great way to start thinking about Audience is to ask the following questions:

  • In what areas is the agency most profitable?
  • Who are you talking to now?
  • What kind of business do you walk away from?
  • What brands should be clients?
  • What areas are most interesting to the team? What is the team passionate about?

By asking these questions, you’ll be able to determine who your audience is in a very specific, lead-driven way.


Content drives just about every aspect of what we do in our lives—professionally and personally. In new business, you need to provide content that your new, specifically targeted audience wants to consume and share online. When getting started with your content strategy, start slow and don’t overextend yourself.

We’ve found that when teams commit to too much, too soon, one of two things happens: a) they burn out quickly on the process and it becomes a chore creating unique, branded content or; b) they begin building too much around a single whitepaper/eBook. Long-form content can be beneficial to your content strategy, but be careful not to let it consume hours of labor or hinder your ability to pivot across multiple audience groups.

When deciding what content should live on your editorial calendar, ask yourself questions like:

  • Why does your agency exist? (less about what and how)
  • What’s the one thing you do better than anyone else?
  • What are the benefits of working with your agency?
  • What type of work is outside of your scope? (this will help you drive more qualified conversations)
  • What business problems do you solve for the identified prospect categories?

Content plays a key role in advancing your new business strategy, and increasing your prospects both within your targeted audience and outside of it.


We all dream big about winning new business, but you can’t approach that dream in an ad hoc manner. You need to have a plan set in place that is consistently repeatable, with very defined goals, measurements and activities. Your plan should involve everyone in the new business process—from Sales and Marketing to Management. At Catapult New Business, our goal is to always set a process in place that can be seamlessly transferred when changes to the team take place. During the execution phase, these are important questions you should ask:

  • Who from the in-house team will be fulfilling each role in the sales/marketing process?
  • What technologies do we currently have in place?
  • How do we want to approach new prospects?
  • How have we approached prospects in the past? What has worked best?
  • Who has typically been the most receptive to our messaging?

A critical part of execution is how you leverage the content you’ve created, and the process your sales and marketing team uses that content to drive 1-1 sales conversations. By using your content to engage more often with prospects, you’ll see more opportunities to win clients.

Need help identifying a strategic plan of attack for winning new business? Contact us to learn more about how Catapult New Business implements successful new business processes for agencies.

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New Year – New Investments for Agency Growth

“2017 is the year my agency is going to stop relying on business to find us, and the year we start proactively finding new clients.”  We are only two weeks into this year and already I have heard this statement from over two dozen agency principles who are absolutely convinced this year they will finally turn that proactive corner in their agency growth. In order to make that turn, those agencies have to make investments into its processes and the people in charge of it.

Here’s a quick list of investments that, if made this year, can actually make a difference in your 2017 new business plans:

Invest in People

Finally, after all of these years, somebody will have an exclusive focus on new business development! This means you are either going to hire someone in-house to manage new business full time, dedicate an existing employee to this full time, or outsource to a new biz partner. By not selecting one of these three options you could quickly find yourself accumulating wasted resources, meaning the opportunity cost of having employees work on new business while juggling other responsibilities. Investing in the focus of a full time employee to run this important task for you can save money in the long run, and more importantly produce a better ROI.

Invest in Data

You want to find new prospects? Well then you better have a resource to help you find exactly which companies are the best fit for your team, who their main points of contacts are, and what their most recent marketing activities are. There are plenty of data resources that exist (I am partial to Winmo), but without a resource the amount of time wasted in the “research” phase of prospecting can easily drain the enthusiasm of any new business director. Being more efficient in our prospecting efforts with quality data can be the difference in talking to 5 prospects a day and talking to 20 qualified prospects a day.

Invest in Content

One of my favorite quotes from Inbound this year was from Brian Halligan in which he said, “In 2006 your website augmented your salesperson, but in 2016 your salesperson augments your website”. While your New Business Director is vital to creating and cultivating a relationship, your website and the content you put out into the world is vital to establish credibility for your New Business Director. Too often we see New Business Directors left on an island unto themselves, where they are told to produce new business, but have no resources to show the value the agency can bring to the brand. Take the time, whether through a content person in-house, or outsourced, to create multiple quality content pieces that are easily sharable for your new business team.

Invest in Technology

Yellow note pads are not a CRM. I’ve walked into multiple agencies over the last month, sat down with the principal and seen a yellow note pad on their desk that is “tracking” all of their open opportunities for new business. Occasionally, I see someone tracking sales opportunities on an excel spreadsheet, but even then, there is no real automation or process around ensuring new business is handled in consistent way no matter who begins the sales process. At this point, a CRM and Marketing Automation tool should be mandatory for any agency, no matter how small. Salesforce is the most robust CRM out there, with plenty of connections to Marketing Automation tools like Hubspot and Pardot. My personal favorite for any agency just beginning their outbound efforts and starting from scratch is SharpSpring, which includes both a CRM and Marketing Automation tool.

Invest in Networks

Let’s face it, you can do everything alone, but why would you want to? If you are an independent agency, there are tons of independent agency networks out there that can be a real benefit to your team in the form of sharing ideas, successes, and failures. The ability to learn from others can make beginning any new business effort that much easier in the upcoming year. Aside from your typical agency networks, there are plenty of executive networking groups where you can share experiences with people in similar positions across industries. Vistage is fantastic group executives that provides its members a structured environment to learn and grow in small groups.

Invest in Time

The most valuable of all resources. Where you spend your time is where your priority lies. If you are going to change your new business outcome for the better in 2017, then you better be committed to putting time aside every single day to the process. Non-negotiable. You can buy all of the technology above, but if you do not consistently set time aside to properly utilize all of these, nothing changes. The easiest way to put that time aside – put an event on your calendar immediately, make it recurring, and do not allow it to be moved because of another priority. This is the priority, and it needs to happen if anything is to change in the New Year.

Growing an agency is not cheap. There are investments that absolutely have to be made, but if done thoughtfully and with an eye on creating repeatable, scalable processes, the returns will more than make up for the cost of building the processes. If 2017 is your year to change, then make the investment in yourself, and the returns will come.

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Outsourcing Agency Business Development: Why You Need to Consider It Now

The road to agency new business Nirvana is paved with never-ending training, consulting, workshops and self-help guides. Undoubtedly, growth through a systematic business development program often eludes agencies, but there’s no reason for agency business development professionals to go at it alone.

The reality is, like anything worth doing well, its hard. Really hard. New business is work that the vast majority of those within the professional marketing services industry didn’t sign-up for, and have no inclination to be held accountable for now, or in the future. I see it and hear about it from out of work agency new business people and frustrated agency owners every day.

The good news? It is possible for your agency to have an effective new business process in the year ahead. While it can be difficult to know what your competition is doing to be so successful, we have found that the invisible trend has increasingly been to outsource your new business.

Over the past five years, for more agencies than you’d guess, the answer to solving the business development equation has come from partnering with an outside firm for proactive prospecting. More recently, the trend has evolved to include organic client development too, once the exclusive domain of the agency account and leadership team.

Why are more agencies increasingly handing the reigns of client growth over to a third-party? It’s a daunting thought for some, but for those who’ve experimented with this model, success has come quickly. “I’ve seen agencies win more business from our involvement in their organic client development efforts this year than any other,” said Dave Currie, President of List Partners Inc. “Its often the low hanging fruit that everyone can see, though rarely is there a systematic and accountable plan to harvest it,” he continued.

What value do agencies find in outsourcing?


A Systematic Approach.

Agencies often find that creating a new business process from scratch is difficult. It’s usually thrown together last minute at the onset of a lost account and the strategy and tools are often lacking. Outsourcing to new business professionals, like Catapult, allow agencies to implement a systematic approach to how they win new business. Teams are able to move swiftly into market because there is a proven model of success, and the tools to back it up.


We come across agencies every day that have multiple people working on new business, but not dedicated to it with 100% of their time. Once you have this “we all chip in approach,” when it fails, who is accountable? All? Nobody? With this outsourced model, it is very clear who is accountable for success and we can put clear objectives and goals at each stage of the process. This leads to greater transparency and understanding to who the responsibility of driving new business lies with.

A Specific Focus on New Business

Similar to our Accountability point, according to Hubspot’s Agency’s Pricing & Financial Report, 66% of agencies do not employ a full-time new business person. What does this mean? Those in-house people that are working on new business do not know where to spend their time every day. If I have learned anything during my time as a new business professional, it’s that you cannot minimize the importance of focus. Focus ensures greater success by keeping all efforts dedicated to prospecting and driving conversations with those most sought after prospects.The invisible trend of outsourcing may always remain slightly hidden due to the nature of the business, but we are seeing more inquiries than ever from agency execs that are seeing the benefits of having a systematic approach that provides accountability and focus. I’m confident we will continue to see an increase in adoption of outside resources to manage new business in 2017.

When you can win more business at a lower cost, why would you not outsource?

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(WEBINAR) How to Amplify Your New Business Strategy with Content Distribution

On average, it takes 7-11 proactive touchpoints to schedule a first meeting with a prospect. In the world of agency new business, relevant persistence is key, and having a solid content distribution strategy to back it up is a requirement. Our last webinar discussed the types of content successful new business teams use in their sales outreach. In this webinar, we’ll specifically show you how to leverage certain pieces of content through targeted channels to increase engagement with top prospects and speed up sales cycles. Simply producing content will not drive results. You need to put it into action.

Watch now to learn the difference between sales and marketing content, what channels are best for amplification, and how often you should be publishing your content for new business success. Other questions we will answer throughout this webinar include:

  • Should I segment my prospects to receive different types of content? 
  • What types of content are best for new business prospecting?
  • How do I distribute content for sales vs marketing approaches?


How to Amplify Your New Business Strategy with Content Distribution from AgencySquared on Vimeo.

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Why the Most Successful Leaders Go Beyond Best Practices

What are best practices? It’s important to understand that there is a big difference between proscriptive company rules and guidelines that have a basis in legal compliance, and best practices which are designed to move the business forward efficiently. They’re good to have, but sticking to them no matter what can prevent good companies from getting to great.

If you got sick in the middle ages, there’s a good chance that the village doctor would prescribe a course of leeches to your skin, or just go ahead and cut you so he could bleed the troublesome humor right out of you. I could be wrong, but if your doctor tried that today, you might want to sue them for medical malpractice.

Best practices are the best way we knew to get results at a given time. But when times change, those practices need to change, too, and you should constantly be thinking next practices, alongside best practices. Here are a few things to remember:

Best practices have an expiration date

Best practices change over time, across cultures and from industry to industry. It’s not just medical advances like the one above that go out of date, other technologies change, too. You wouldn’t think of circulating important information by telegram rather than email, but 100 years ago it was standard. As recently as a decade ago, working from home was a perk few people enjoyed but now it’s viewed as a great commute alternative, and can make employees more productive and more motivated. Industry leaders see the benefits of change early and adopt practices that leverage those benefits.

Technology changes faster than best practices

Best practices get to be best practices by delivering consistent results most efficiently, but best practices are never cutting edge. To become accepted as a best practice, any process needs to be adopted widely, and earn acceptance across the industry—and that takes time to establish. As a result, best practices can lag technological advances by months or even years as technologies emerge. New technologies can be expensive, but the benefits of early adoption—from preferential pricing to being recognized as an expert when the tech goes mainstream—can often outweigh the cost.

Complacency leads to disruption

Compliance can lead to complacency, and in some industries, disruptive technologies can wreak havoc or steal market share from established players at a blistering pace. From taxicabs to vacation rentals to networking events, organizations that clung to best practices and resisted change all lost ground to more agile digital competitors that chose not to be bound by the same rigid rules. The real conundrum here whether your best practices put the customer at the center of what you hope to achieve, or whether your best practice is simply a hoop for someone to jump through, a roadblock on the way to excellence.

In the end the best, most timeless best practice you can adopt is to empower every employee to ask why—why do we need a best practice? Why do we need that specific best practice?—and to explore how the problems we face can be overcome creatively.


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For Best Results, Make Email Part of Your New Business Strategy

We’ve seen more than a few agencies who aren’t seeing the results they were looking for with their current new business strategy. Many new business teams are stuck with an old mindset that proactive email marketing is just spam and not worth their time. When done right, email marketing can be a terrific way to maximize your ROI of time and money for new business growth.

So why is email such an important piece of your new business strategy? Email as an outreach approach has fewer barriers to implementation and is a relatively inexpensive process to begin. It’s also a great way to deliver the tangible results you’re looking for, because you can track everything and easily attribute leads to different campaigns. There is no mystery where leads come from.

The biggest obstacle to adopting a marketing automation strategy is “not having a strategy at all,” according to Marketing Automation Trends Survey.

Email marketing—specifically email automation campaigns—offers an inexpensive approach that will not only drive growth, but build your agency a sustainable prospect database from which you can always mine new opportunities. It’s the most effective way to grow your business, relative to the amount of money you spend. In fact, your ROI should skyrocket by implementing an email automation campaign. Consider these statistics:

  • B2B marketers see an average 20% increase in sales opportunities from nurtured leads compared to non-nurtured leads after deploying a lead nurturing program.
  • B2B marketers who install marketing automation increase their sales to pipeline contribution by 10%.
  • 54% of companies using marketing automation capture intelligence for the sales team. This compares to only 25% of companies without marketing automation.

It all boils down to one simple fact: Agencies that adopt an email marketing and marketing automation strategy outperform those companies that do not.

Resist the stories about emails and email marketing. Not all email is spam you need to filter. If used properly, email can be your least expensive means to grow organically and gain new business.

Agencies that focus on nurtured lead programs with great content via email, will find themselves starting any new relationship with a client at a much warmer spot. Rather than viewing each other as “seller vs buyer,” good email nurture programs allows for a “teacher and student” relationship. We trust our teachers while we don’t necessarily trust someone selling something.

Our most successful agencies keep this in mind. They build a marketing automation program, implement a CRM and combine it all with a business intelligence platform such as Winmo. As you build out your new business strategy, don’t discount email’s importance, just because it’s a discounted rate to get it started.

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How to Use Your Case Studies as CTAs

Over the years we have seen tons of case studies used as calls to action with varying levels of effectiveness. There are many different kinds of mistakes agencies make when creating these. The top mistakes we often see are simple:

  • The case study is too long
  • The study only focuses on the solution

Who hasn’t been sent a case study that is a 10-page PDF on all the intricate pieces of a campaign? Next question: Who actually reads all 10 pages? My guess? None of us. Not at first anyway. That level of detail is great, if you have really interested me in taking a deep dive into your agency. But most agencies don’t take the time to develop the problem and results to effectively use their case study as an effective call to action. A case study is not a good intro piece.

Our solution to help make your agency’s case studies more effective as lead magnets is to break it into two completely separate pieces: a teaser and a deep dive.

Teaser case studies are most likely a short landing page that quickly sells the idea and value of the case study. It’s going to concentrate on the three main components of a case study, while highlighting two of them more heavily: problem and results. This is done in small bursts, a paragraph for each at max.

  • Problem – Clients want to know that you understand their pain and what they’re going through. Be sure that the problem highlighted in your case study aligns carefully with that pain trigger in your marketing communications.
  • Solution – You need to be able to talk about your proprietary solution while staying at a high enough level that you don’t lose their interest. Remember, at this point they care more about their problems and the results we will give them more solutions later.
  • Results – You need your case study to show measurable results. Show the reader a shocking statistic. Something that shows what actually resulted from your project. Real numbers are more impactful than words.

The importance of this teaser is that your marketing CTA is driving people over to something that should be both compelling and quickly consumable. Most people are busy and cannot commit to 10 pages of a case study. But if we hit them with a teaser page that gives them compelling problems and results, we can then ask them to commit a larger amount of time to us and our solutions via a deep dive study at a later point.

Those that agree to commit time to your deep dive study are highly qualified, and more likely to engage in a real conversation following their online activities. That does not mean you don’t reach out to those that hit your teaser page. But you should focus on those deep dive prospects immediately.

Understand that case studies tend to be more focused on you and your agency. But our prospects are focused on themselves. Make your CTA all about your prospect, and the teaser study all about your prospect’s problems. Once they are truly engaged, we can tell them about us.

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How to Begin Your Agency Positioning Conversation

At the end of my last webinar, one of the overriding requests that I received from everyone was help around their positioning statement. Many times I see positioning statements on websites that are overly general, similar to their competitors, or just plain uninspiring. Our goal with any positioning is to achieve two things:

  • Be unique
  • Be a sales driver

I know, there’s that sales word that I like to throw around. The fact is that when someone first visits your site in their buying process, you want to make sure your positioning statements are always coming from a place that immediately lets them know what you all can do for them, in a very real way. “We produce results” is neither unique nor compelling, and it won’t help you make a sale.

Crafting something unique and compelling is a lot of work, but below are some questions to make your life a bit easier when you are first sitting down with a group (or by yourself) to craft that new positioning statement.

  • Why does your agency exist? (less about what and how)
  • What’s the one thing you do better than anyone else?
  • What are the benefits of working with you?
  • Let’s talk about what you don’t do
    • Consider us when…
    • Don’t consider us when…
  • Why do you win? Why do you lose?
  • Based on business challenges, where do you have the greatest opportunity?
  • Is every piece of content you are producing pushing your unique selling proposition to a specific prospect type?
  • Does your website properly convey exactly what you do better than any other agency?
  • Is it clear to anyone who sees our content exactly who your “Right to Win” clients are?

Once you have an initial framework for that positioning statement, take a few minutes and look at your closest competitors’ websites. How similar are you to them in your positioning? Are you creating space between yourself and them with this positioning statement? Do they do a better or worse job of highlighting their uniqueness? Once you feel confident you have differentiated, test it on some folks who do not know your agency as intimately as you do. Ask people outside your agency bubble what they think about your positioning versus your closest competitors’ and see what emotions get stirred up in them.

This process is not normally a short one, and definitely not something to be taken lightly. Take the time to think, test and retest, because the content you build in the future will all hinge off this positioning

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Using Social to Amplify Your New Business Outreach

In today’s marketplace, social media should be an integral part of growing your agency. Of course that’s not news to you, but in order to be successful with it you need to practice patience and stay consistent.

We’ve spoken to many agencies about how they’ve used social to push their new business efforts forward and have learned a few things along the way. When it comes to social, some platforms work much better than others, LinkedIn and Twitter being the main two that businesses use. Here are a few strategies about platforms we believe give you the most bang for your buck in your push to grow new business.

LinkedIn Referrals

AgencySquared recommends that agencies craft a LinkedIn referral engine. This process entails consistent outreach and the suspension of reluctance when it comes to leveraging LinkedIn connections. Even if you may not know them personally. We like to call them “unknowns.” Who do we mean by unknowns? If you have 1,000 connections, the number of real connections—connections that you personally know—are probably less than 20 percent of that number.But all those other connections hold tremendous value. Yes, those 80% of unknown connections can drive serious new business your way.

Don’t be shy in asking for referrals from those connections, just do all of the work for them. Here’s what I mean:

  • Ask specifically for the person you would like to be introduced to
  • Craft the intro/referral message for your contact to send
  • Ask for a specific date of referral
  • Have something timely to offer so that the date of referral is more important.

Most of those “unknown” connections that you have will have no problem forwarding your message along, because (for the most part) we’re all trying to grow our networks and increase our sphere of influence. I always try to be of help to others when/if I can, and I find most people fit into this category as well.

This referral process will help you not only learn more about your network, it will also increase your potential prospect list. More prospects, more leads, more sales.

Twitter Business Opportunities  

Twitter is another great way to grow business opportunities. While LinkedIn is about connections, Twitter is all about conversations. It’s a perfect vehicle for quick conversations you can engage in and strike up during any event. Be sure to follow people in your space (who doesn’t love being followed?) as these will be quality users whose interests align with yours.

You can search for people who tweeted about a topic of interest and follow them. I highly suggest that you do this; any conference that is of interest to you–whether you’re at the conference or not– find out the conference hashtag, and begin following every user that uses it. Most times you’ll get a follow back, and I can’t tell you how many meetings I’ve had at conferences from following someone and then them finding me in the crowd later. “Hey aren’t you the guy that just followed me?!” Boom – conversation started.

Your goal should always be looking to develop a targeted audience. A larger number of random followers may give you social media cred, but it does nothing for your new business goal. A Twitter following with a small core of highly targeted follows is twice as valuable as a large audience of random followers.

Participating in Twitter chats related to your industry is another way to prospect. Joining an ongoing conversation is a great way to develop a rapport with like-minded individuals and it is much easier to join a twitter conversation that is currently happening than jumping in mid conversation in person.

Timelines in both LinkedIn and Twitter are changing every minute, so be sure to set time aside to review new developments. I personally block off specific time on my calendar every day for Social Media prospecting. This forces me to send out at least one referral request each day and find a new twitter conversation to take part in.

Leveraging the power of social media for your business marketing can take time and energy, but in the end your efforts will be rewarded if you stay consistent. Not every platform makes sense for everyone, so do your homework, experiment, and don’t be afraid to leverage those “unknowns!”

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(WEBINAR) Content That Actually Drives Agency Growth

In this webinar, learn how proactive agency new business development teams are leveraging content to drive more conversations with top prospects, including how to :

  • Understand the value of content to strengthen their agency new business strategies
  • Educate and engage their top prospects more effectively
  • Find new ways to present solutions that aren’t overplayed

If any of these challenges sound familiar, we encourage watching:

  • My agency struggles to stand out in a crowded marketplace
  • My team is struggling to find fresh, new ways to present our solutions to brands
  • I question the value in producing content for my agency because I don’t see how it generates qualified new business conversations
  • Even if we do produce content, our agency lacks quality website content that engages our top prospects
  • My team doesn’t have time to add something else to their “to-do” list- how do we produce quality thought leadership content that has real value?


Content That Actually Drives Agency Growth from AgencySquared on Vimeo.

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agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy buying behavior economic downturn lead gen new business trends pandemic prospect

How Today’s Economic Factors Drive Changes in Buyer Behaviors

Time kills deals. Every new business person feels this statement in their bones. They all walk...

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Agency Insights: Market Shifts and Navigating the New Economy
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy conferences lead gen mirren new business trends prospect

Agency Insights: Market Shifts and Navigating the New Economy

If there’s one word that describes 2022, it’s inflation. It’s affecting everything and everyone....

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Recap of Strategies from the Mirren New Business Conference
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy conferences lead gen mirren new business trends prospect

Recap of Strategies from the Mirren New Business Conference

We heard a lot of things this year at the Mirren New Business Conference. Aside from all of...

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Winning Your Next RFP: Get on the Brand’s Winning Shortlist
agency business development agency prospecting discovery call outbound strategy

Winning Your Next RFP: Get on the Brand’s Winning Shortlist

Many times when a brand releases a Request For Proposal (RFP) to the public, they already know...

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On-Demand Webinar: Secrets to Beating the RFP Process
agency agency business development agency prospecting discovery call outbound leads outbound strategy prospecting webinar

On-Demand Webinar: Secrets to Beating the RFP Process

Many times when a brand releases a Request For Proposal (RFP) to the public, they already know...

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The Discovery Call: Your Chance to Uncover An Exclusive Opportunity
agency business development agency prospecting discovery call outbound strategy

The Discovery Call: Your Chance to Uncover An Exclusive Opportunity

A discovery call is the first of many conversations and can be defined as a time to uncover...

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On-Demand Webinar: You got the meeting. Now What?
agency agency business development agency prospecting discovery call outbound leads outbound strategy prospecting webinar

On-Demand Webinar: You got the meeting. Now What?

A discovery call is the first of many conversations and can be defined as a time to uncover...

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Q&A: How Do I Get More Meetings Through Proactive Outreach?

Q&A: How Do I Get More Meetings Through Proactive Outreach?

Research shows that brands are looking at not only capabilities but industry expertise and...

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On Demand Webinar: Getting Started With Lists

On Demand Webinar: Getting Started With Lists

Research shows that brands are not only looking at capabilities but industry expertise and...

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Agency Burnout: Pitch After Pitch is Killing Staff Morale
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency partner burnout new business trends pitch prospect

Agency Burnout: Pitch After Pitch is Killing Staff Morale

It’s no secret; the business development process is grueling.  Even Digiday reported...

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New Business Trends of 2022 –  Part 3 of 3
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency partner new business trends prospect

New Business Trends of 2022 – Part 3 of 3

We’re rounding out 2022 new business trends with a focus on Experimental Budgets. Those elusive...

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The 12 Ads That Made Us Smile This Season
advertising agency agency business development agency growth agency partner holiday prospecting new business trends prospect

The 12 Ads That Made Us Smile This Season

And on the 1st day of Christmas, my true love (ahem, Winmo), gave to me… With holiday cheer...

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New Business Trends of 2022 –  Part 2 of 3
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency partner new business trends prospect

New Business Trends of 2022 – Part 2 of 3

The past two years forced many agencies to take a hard look internally at their business development...

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New Business Trends of 2022 –  Part 1 of 3
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency partner agency prospecting prospect

New Business Trends of 2022 – Part 1 of 3

Success in the new year hinges on our ability to understand and predict the current and future...

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How to Encourage Client Referrals & Testimonials for More New Business

How to Encourage Client Referrals & Testimonials for More New Business

Wouldn’t it be great to assign your agency’s new business responsibilities to your...

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Brands Are Searching for 2022 Partners Now
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency partner agency prospecting brand planning prospect

Brands Are Searching for 2022 Partners Now

When planning for the new year, the common perception is that most companies begin planning...

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Get more out of your case studies
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency prospecting case studies outbound strategy prospect

Get more out of your case studies

Case studies are useful guides to educate and influence your prospective new clients. While...

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Win More Podcast
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency prospecting outbound strategy prospect

Win More Podcast

Recently we had the opportunity to join team Winmo on their Win More Podcast to talk everything...

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Your agency has a sales culture and it may be holding you back
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency prospecting outbound strategy prospect

Your agency has a sales culture and it may be holding you back

Every day there are more and more articles posted about the importance of your overall corporate...

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Q2 is Over, But 2021 is Only Getting Started
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency prospecting new normal outbound strategy prospect

Q2 is Over, But 2021 is Only Getting Started

It’s been six months. Six months of a slow, methodical, pragmatism by the market to get back...

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6 Ways Video Meetings Have Improved Client Relationships
agency client relationships agency new agency new business agency prospecting agency sales video conferences

6 Ways Video Meetings Have Improved Client Relationships

It’s been over a year since we all began the trial and error of remote working and virtual...

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Better Predict Your Future New Business Success
agency business development agency lead measures agency new business agency new business strategy lead generation lead measures new business

Better Predict Your Future New Business Success

2020 has taught us many things, but one of the biggest learnings has been around most of our...

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Featured Author Post: Operationalizing Your Agency’s New Business Strategy
agency new business agency new business strategy new business new business growth

Featured Author Post: Operationalizing Your Agency’s New Business Strategy

By Jody Sutter New business is one of those responsibilities that should be fully integrated...

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Why Your Biz Dev Team Needs Those Updated Assets
agency business development agency prospecting business development business development director business development team prospecting

Why Your Biz Dev Team Needs Those Updated Assets

Is your agency completely overwhelmed with an insanely busy month? One where your team has...

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What Business Development Director Persona Does Your Agency Need?
agency business development agency new business business development personas

What Business Development Director Persona Does Your Agency Need?

In the past, we’ve talked about what qualities you should look for in a Business Development...

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6 Conferences Your Agency Should Attend in 2021
agency events conferences virtual conferences virtual events

6 Conferences Your Agency Should Attend in 2021

By now, our “new normal” feels a little less weird and a lot less chaotic than...

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How to: Use a niche when your agency is full service
account-based marketing agency business development agency prospecting business development lead generation lead generation services sales leads sales pipeline sales process

How to: Use a niche when your agency is full service

Agency Type Full-Service Creative Target Consumer Goods The Process Many agencies that have...

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New Business Opportunities in 2021
agency business development agency new business

New Business Opportunities in 2021

By now, many of you have read the original and probably seen articles referencing AdWeek’s...

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How to: Find a meeting in the financial sector
account-based marketing agency business development agency prospecting business development lead generation lead generation services sales leads sales pipeline sales process

How to: Find a meeting in the financial sector

Agency Type Brand and Customer Experience Target Finance & Professional Services The Process New...

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Top Tips for New Business Prospecting During the Holidays
agency new business agency prospecting holiday prospecting

Top Tips for New Business Prospecting During the Holidays

The holiday season can be a tough time for new business pros as they try and navigate prospects’...

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How to: Create a New Business Opportunity in 11 Days
account-based marketing agency business development agency prospecting business development lead generation lead generation services sales leads sales pipeline sales process

How to: Create a New Business Opportunity in 11 Days

Agency Type Creative Production Agency Target Food & Bev, Small-Mid Size Companies The...

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The tech stack you need for proper agency new business development
account-based marketing agency business development agency prospecting business development lead generation lead generation services sales leads sales pipeline sales process

The tech stack you need for proper agency new business development

Every year the tech stack available for agency new business pros changes exponentially it seems. ...

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Is Your Agency Ready to Outsource Lead Generation?

Is Your Agency Ready to Outsource Lead Generation?

Outsourcing lead generation is a great option for many agencies. It supplements already over-taxed...

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How to Accelerate Your Agency’s Lead Generation During a Market Shift
account-based marketing agency business development agency prospecting business development lead generation lead generation services sales leads sales pipeline sales process

How to Accelerate Your Agency’s Lead Generation During a Market Shift

Given the recent market shifts, everyone’s asking themselves, “How do we get incremental new...

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Prospecting For Agencies In Today’s Climate: Three Key Elements of a Successful Email
ABM approach agency positioning COVID-19 pandemic prospecting

Prospecting For Agencies In Today’s Climate: Three Key Elements of a Successful Email

The conversation around email is different than what it would have been just three weeks ago,...

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Three Things Your Agency Can Do While Others Are Standing Still
agency new business agency partner pandemic

Three Things Your Agency Can Do While Others Are Standing Still

You’ve built and run an agency because you wanted to change (or at least impact) the world....

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6 Interview Questions For Agency Business Development Directors
agency management agency new business hiring interviews new business growth

6 Interview Questions For Agency Business Development Directors

The average agency-client relationship lasts 36 months, which means at any given moment one...

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Attract The Game Changer Client For Your Agency
agency business development agency positioning agency sales client wins target audience

Attract The Game Changer Client For Your Agency

The new year is here. And now is the time you’ll activate the plan you’ve spent countless...

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It All Starts With The Target List: Steps To Efficient Proactive Prospecting
agency business development agency growth lead gen marketing tips new business growth prospect list prospecting list sales prospecting

It All Starts With The Target List: Steps To Efficient Proactive Prospecting

When embarking on a proactive prospecting program, there are some core steps that can’t be...

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The Ultimate Agency Growth Funnel
agency business development agency growth growth funnel new business growth new business prospecting prospecting revenue goals sales funnel

The Ultimate Agency Growth Funnel

Can you believe we’re approaching an entirely new decade? As you begin planning for 2020 new...

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A Brand New Look For Catapult

A Brand New Look For Catapult

Big news today! After almost twenty years, we’re introducing a brand new look for Catapult...

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Preempting A Review From Mirren’s Brent Hodges

Preempting A Review From Mirren’s Brent Hodges

When a new decision maker arrives, when do you move to preempting a review? It can hit like...

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16 Must-Know Prospecting Stats For Your Agency

16 Must-Know Prospecting Stats For Your Agency

Prospecting for a strong pipeline is your first hurdle in the new business process, and is...

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Agency Awards To Consider In Q4
agency awards agency new business agency positioning award programs awards business development creative awards

Agency Awards To Consider In Q4

Awards are the best way to get independent feedback on the quality of your work. We understand...

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8 Tips For Closing The Sale
agency business development agency new business agency sales tips for closing

8 Tips For Closing The Sale

Let’s set the scene here: You’ve managed to secure a meeting with a C-level executive for a...

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Four Tips to Help You Craft a Powerful Pitch For Your Agency

Four Tips to Help You Craft a Powerful Pitch For Your Agency

Your elevator pitch is the most important tool for converting strangers into clients. And guess...

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“Catapult came to the rescue and saved me from what otherwise would have been a long and stressful situation. To have been provided with a business development professional with that level of experience and understanding of my business, well, I just couldn’t have received that anywhere else.”

Co-founder, Full Service Marketing Agency

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