5 Trends Every Marketing Agency Needs to Pay Attention to in 2016

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Is your agency ready for what’s ahead in 2016? The marketing world continues to evolve at a rapid pace. In 2016, it’s truer than ever. Agencies that fail to adapt to the “new normal” run the risk of being left in the dust by their competitors. While many of these changes involve technology, many others involve cultural and social shifts within our society. Familiarize yourself with the five most notable trends to watch out for in 2016 to remain as competitive as possible.

1. The Digital Transformation is Upon Us 

For a long time, agencies have kept digital technology separate from other aspects of marketing. That’s changing rapidly. In 2016, things won’t be so siloed. Creatives and others within agencies will increasingly work in a collaborative fashion. The digital revolution is done, and the post-digital world requires agencies to seamlessly incorporate digital technology into all aspects of their work.

2. Personalized Conversations 

Retailers have been tracking consumers online for some time, but now the technology exists to actually do something useful with the information. More importantly, the information is no longer only useful in the online world. Indeed, retailers will increasingly have the ability to connect directly with consumers wherever they are, whether it’s online or off. Access to free Wi-Fi and mobile is largely responsible for this particular shift. Agencies should encourage retailers to embrace omnichannel marketing to create a seamless experience.

3. Generation Y 

By 2020, more than 50% of the workforce will be made up of workers who belong to generation Y. Born between 1981 and 1999, they are known for their desire to control their own destinies. They don’t crave the stability of long-term job commitments but are driven by their passion for what they do. Entrepreneurs and freelancers, they thrive on creativity and will rapidly change the face of marketing in the years to come.

4. Advertising and Media Merge Again 

Thanks to developments like big data and the rise of social media, marketing and media are getting cozy again. Successful marketing agencies understand this and will embrace it. Already, many brands are hiring younger, hipper agencies that understand how to effectively market to online users, as it’s a whole different ballgame than it is with other forms of media.

5. Diversity 

More than ever, gender equality and diversity in general are top concerns for both retailers and marketing agencies. Retailers understand that inclusivity is key, and agencies are taking note. The best and most successful agencies will make a concerted effort to hire more young women and to elevate women and minorities to higher positions. They will also strive to help employees achieve an optimal work-life balance, so you can expect a lot more telecommuting to happen in the months and years to come.

With any luck, you’re already at least somewhat aware of the trends to watch in 2016. Whether you are or not, make a point to embrace them however you can. In doing so, you will be well ahead of the competition.

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Best Tools & Resources for Growing Agency New Business

The expanding reach of the Internet is increasing competition for clients, making it difficult to find the right marketing mix to generate new business. Fortunately, using online tools to aggregate your marketing efforts can streamline your business development initiatives and boost your gross sales. In particular, comprehensive online marketing platforms tend to be the best tools for winning new business.

Online Marketing Platforms

If you’re having a hard time managing ad campaigns, lead generation campaigns and your marketing research objectives, then online marketing platforms can make a substantive difference in your life. You can perform all of these functions and more, simply by logging into a single platform that aggregates these services for you. There is no reason to log in and out of multiple applications to win new business, when a single platform makes the process easier.

In addition to making the process more efficient, these platforms also enhance the quality of your activities and the results you generate. You’re able to generate real-time analytics that can help you optimize the way you gather leads, and who you actually gather them from. Whether its higher sales conversions and sales, lower levels of bad debt and higher repeat business, online marketing plaforms can change the dynamics of your business.

Additional Resources

In addition to online marketing platforms, online marketplaces can help you generate new business without a lot of additional marketing costs. Online marketplaces help you reduce everything from your operating expenses to your cost of sales, because the marketplace maintenance is typically handled by a third-party service provider. You can advertise your services to clients all over the world and conduct transactions is a single currency, depending on the construction of the marketplace.

There are also organizations that specialize in content marketing and online marketing strategies that can help your advertising agency generate new business. The content you put out to the world has a high impact on your ability to generate and retain business, making it one of the most important marketing factors to master.

5 of the best online tools and resources for new business development include:

  1. DailyVista
  2. Winmo
  3. Content Marketing Institute
  4. Guru.com
  5. Elance.com

Winning new business is a process that requires research and effective online marketing tools that help you leverage the power of the Internet to grow your company. Be sure to use online marketing platforms to optimize your marketing campaigns and advertising strategies.

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(WEBINAR) How the Most Successful Agencies Market Themselves

With 71% of agency new business professionals saying it’s harder to break through to prospects, and traditional channels aren’t working like they used to, it’s more important than ever to align marketing with your sales outreach. A recent Webinar we hosted entitled, “How the Most Successful Agencies Market Themselves,” discussed what a highly successful ecosystem looks like and the tools needed to support it.

Agencies who nail this start generating sales-ready leads on a more consistent basis, and most importantly – work with the clients they actually want to do business with.

To watch the full recording, view below: 


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How to Define the Ideal Vertical for Your Agency to Serve

One of the biggest mistakes that a marketing agency can make is trying to be all things to all people. At first glance, casting a wide net seems logical. After all, isn’t it the best way to ensure that your message is seen by as many people as possible? It is, and that’s the problem. Here’s why: Most of those people would never have been interested in your offerings anyway, so your message is lost on them–and so are your efforts, time and money.

Instead, define a very specific target audience on which to focus your efforts. In doing so, you’ll get way more bang for your marketing buck and will set the stage for long-term growth, profitability and success.

Five Tips for Identifying the Ideal Vertical for Your Agency

With a clearly defined target audience, it will be much easier to know where, when and how to market your products and services. Keep these tips in mind to more easily define a target vertical on which to focus your marketing and branding efforts:

  1. Get to Know Your Current Customers – Much of what you need to know can be found in your sales records. Who currently buys your products and services? What needs are they trying to fill by using them? What kinds of things do your current customers have in common? Consider things like age, interests, education level and the like. While you’re at it, closely examine your biggest customers. What traits do they share? This research should give you a great head-start in defining your ideal audience.
  2. Scout Out the Competition – Take a look at your closest competitors. What do their customers look like? Who do they appear to be targeting with their marketing efforts? Don’t attempt to go after the same exact audience. Instead, look for niche markets that your competitors may be overlooking, as they could be your best opportunity.
  3. Consider the Benefits of Your Products and Services – Painstakingly list each of the products and services that your agency provides and the benefits that they provide. Next, consider the problems that these products and services solve. Who typically experiences these problems? These are the folks who could benefit the most from your offerings.
  4. Define Your Target Audience – Consider the kind of person who is most likely to buy your products and services. They should not only need to buy them but should be able to also. Jot down a list of the demographics that they share, including age, gender, income, education, marital status and occupation. Dig deeper by considering their shared interests, attitudes, values and other personality traits.
  5. Assess & Grow Your Newly Defined Target Audience – Finally, make sure that marketing to the target audience that you’ve selected will help you achieve your objectives. Will these folks truly benefit from what your agency has to offer? Can they afford your offerings? Are they easily accessible? If so, which media or channels  do they typically prefer? Do you understand the motivations behind the decisions that they make?

Finding the right vertical for your agency to primarily serve is a small but crucial part of achieving long-term new business growth. With a specifically defined audience, your sales and marketing efforts will go a lot farther.

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5 Tips for Quickly Building a Targeted Prospect List

You’ve written a great introduction email and have prepared an inspiring cold-call pitch, but how do you actually get in touch with and make contact with the prospect? Calling the company’s switchboard or filling out their website “contact us” form are not efficient or effective ways to connect with senior marketing decision-makers for new business for your agency.

All too often, companies require sales reps to try to track down their prospect’s contact information on their own. If the contact data is ever even found, it is often inaccurate and incomplete. This process eats up the seller’s time and limits their sales potential. But there’s a better way.

Top agencies subscribe to database services that provide accurate, direct contact information on prospects. They build targeted lists and supplement this data with their own due diligence. This process results in richer information that is relevant, current and provides insights that can be used in prospecting email and call messaging.

Below are five important steps to build a scalable, repeatable and efficient prospecting process. Following each step of these steps on a consistent basis will result in thorough and targeted prospect lists:

1. Get A Good Database Provider

There are number of database providers available online, such as Winmo, that offer vetted and current prospect contact information for ad agencies, marketing firms and creative agencies. These sophisticated database and intelligence services often provide much more than contact information. They also can offer company financial data, agency relationships and recent news articles to help you better identify your best prospects.

When selecting a database provider, it is important to find one that employs teams of researchers to validate and refresh the data on a regular basis, at least every 3-6 months. It’s also important that the company specializes in advertising and marketing agencies so the prospects align with your target audience.

2. Focus On A Vertical

As a consultant and sales director at Catapult New Business, I pull prospect data lists on behalf of agencies multiple times each week. I typically begin by selecting a target business vertical, such as insurance companies. By being narrowly focused, the outbound messaging can be similar across all companies within the vertical, leading to more efficiency in your outreach program. Top sellers will focus on 1-3 verticals per quarter, depending on the final size of the prospect lists.

3. Identify the Best-Fit Companies

Once the vertical is selected, the company list can be narrowed by such criteria as revenue, media spend and location. By targeting only the companies that fit your buyer persona, you’re able to laser-focus sales efforts to the best-suited companies. Although the database provider I use has extensive lists of companies, I also review top business rankings lists within that vertical to ensure that I have all relevant companies included on my list.

When researching each company to determine if it fits our buyer persona, I take notes on the challenges the company is facing. These insights are later converted into talking points for email and phone outreach. If I am unable to identify challenges that we can realistically solve, I believe I have no valid reason to reach out to the prospect and remove them from the company list.

4. Identify the Best-Fit Contacts

Once I have narrowed the list down to the top 10-20 companies, I use the database to find the most relevant contacts within the companies, based on job function and rank.

Who the right contacts are will vary depending on your agency’s services. For example, a social media agency surely will want to connect with a social media director. However a branding agency likely would not.

I like to focus on C-suite, VP and director-level marketing professionals, but depending on your agency, you may also target manager-level contacts. What’s important is that you’re only targeting decision-makers or influencers. I focus on finding about 10 contacts per company, depending on the size of the prospect company and your agency’s specialty.

At this point, I download the information from the database provider into an Excel or CSV file to upload to a CRM program such as Salesforce.

But the work is not over.

5. Uncover Even More Best-Fit Contacts

Unearthing information on LinkedIn is a powerful way to gain even more contacts. By reviewing the LinkedIn profile of each contact, you can confirm that the employee is still with the company and remains in the appropriate role.

LinkedIn is also useful for mining additional contacts in the company. By reviewing the “People Also Viewed” box on a contact’s LinkedIn profile, you may find additional relevant prospects you have not found previously.

During this process I also make notes of mutual contacts, past employers, links to presentations, schools attended or other points of connection that I will use in my outreach to that contact.

You will need the email address information for these contacts found outside of the database. You can solve this by looking at the email naming conventions of the other contacts in the company; 90 percent of the time the naming convention will hold for the missing prospects. If all else fails, there are a number of online tools available to help find alternative email suggestions.

Lastly I will scour Google reading financial statements, press releases and trade articles for mentions of other relevant contacts at the companies.

Key Takeaways

Your prospect data list is the most important part in agency new business outreach. If you do not have a relevant and accurate list of prospects and an efficient way to get this data, even the best messaging will fail. If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, did it really fall? Using a database platform makes this scalable so business development reps can spend more time on outreach and less time trying to track down contact information. Following each step on a consistent basis will lay the critical foundation for an effective outreach program.

Author Bio

Christian Banach is an advertising agency new business consultant and sales director at Catapult New Business. You can connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Top 5 Prospecting Tips for Growing Agencies & Startups

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Prospecting is time-consuming and often messy – but also vital for young companies ready to develop strong customer bases. If you aren’t finding enough leads, it’s time to invest more heavily in high-quality prospecting. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Be Organic, But Also Focus on Data

Let’s unpack this tip a bit: Prospecting is about acquiring contact information and profile data for potential leads. Because it can be time-consuming and doesn’t actually lead to revenue until leads have been turned into customers, many new companies are tempted to cheat – to buy lists of customer contact information or use contact lists from other portions of the business. Avoid this temptation – prospect data needs to be organic, gathered in the wild from real sources. This is the only way to guarantee high-quality leads with the right contact information. At the same time, these organic prospects need to be as data rich as possible so that you can start forming accurate customer personas, predict the needs of your leads, and start putting together powerful sales strategies.

2. Establish Useful Conversions

Prospecting is not too early for conversion efforts: We’re talking about basic, early conversions designed to test the efficacy of your process and gather important data. Conversions like responses to emails, fill-out forms on your website, successful referrals, and similar actions should all be fueling your prospect list. Ideally, they should also give you enough information so that you can rank your prospects based on their profitability and chances of success. Conversions this early in the process also allow you to note which channels are the most effective in picking up prospects.

3. Use All Available Channels

Speaking of channels, how many are you using? You should tap into all channels possible for your industry and target audience: Social media, blogs, forums, email, trade shows, calls to past clients, buddies at the local pub, old friends now working for another business…cast a wide net when first building your customer base. Not only will this help you find more prospects, but it will also help you sharpen up your sales pitches and marketing content before you start dealing more directly with your leads.

4. Specialize in the Right People and Tools

When we say “specialize” we are talking about two important steps in the prospecting process. First, specialize in demographics that are indeed interested in what you are selling. Don’t waste your energy gathering prospect information for people that have no interest in your products (people who live in apartments don’t buy lawnmowers, etc.). Second, specialize on prospecting within your company. There are several reasons to avoid having your salespeople find prospects. A better solution is to assign someone temporarily or permanently to dig up prospects and do nothing else: Follow up by giving these people the right sales tools to maximize productivity and narrow down/rank prospects efficiently.

5. Stay in Communication and Predict Needs

If you have followed our other tips and have a roster of high-quality leads to pursue, don’t give up on them. Keep trying different approaches, offer different solutions, seek out new decision-makers, try for different meeting times, send more emails, and so on. Prospects that may seem dead on arrival today could be a new client tomorrow. One of the most important steps in turning prospects into successful leads is to correctly forecast their needs before anyone else (including the prospects themselves). Keep a finger on the pulse of your industry, watch trends, and start making predictions about what your target audience is going to need before anyone else is thinking about it.

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Top 3 Things Limiting the Growth of Your Agency

One of the greatest challenges in the agency world is entering a growth phase…when you aren’t seeing much growth. In a perfect world, business growth would happen naturally in easy-to-predict stages, but that isn’t this world – chances are good that instead you need to grow, but aren’t seeing it happen. Here are the three top reasons it happens to agencies like yours, and what you need to make real growth happen.

1. Financial Management Issues

This sounds like a broad topic, because it really is – financial management stretches from day-to-day profits all the way to major capital and investment decisions. However, financial planning and consistent new business growth play integral roles when it comes to company growth.

This can take many forms. Perhaps poor cash flow management is holding your company back – you may struggle with accounting for where your cash comes from and where it goes at the proper time, a problem many new businesses encounter. As a result, agencies like yours quickly find themselves without cash on hand to cover supplies and overhead, and emergencies quickly dig into valuable reserves so there really isn’t much time to think about expansion at all.

Another common financial management deals with revenue and credit. If your credit policies and accounts receivable turnover are poor, you will probably never have enough capital to expand. Creating purchase strategies that get revenue into your hands in a timely manner can be a challenge for many companies. You want customers to have the ability to purchase your goods, but you can’t give them too much credit leeway or too many discounts, which will dig into your profits.

What do these problems add up to? A business without cash reserves that simply does not look very impressive on paper. And this is where we reach the investor problem: Business growth requires money, typically via business loans or perhaps a capital group. Banks and investors alike pay a lot of attention to financial statements, which means poor financial management – even in the small things – can keep you from getting the capital that you need.

2. Adaptation to Market Changes

This point is a bit more intangible, but still just as important when looking for reasons why your business isn’t seeing the growth you want: You aren’t watching the market closely enough, and you aren’t responding to it properly.

Part of this is an entrepreneurial issue: New business leaders tend to have a lot of energy and willpower focused in one direction, which means it can be difficult for these leaders to see related issues – and to change. Stubbornness has kept many a business from expanding properly.

Part of this problem is also simple business evolution: If your target demographic, preferred purchasing method, or the communication tools in your industry have changed, you absolutely have to change with them to find new growth.

3. Client Creep and Time Management

This is a subtler problem related to agencies that interact a lot with their customers and typically take on large client projects. Clients are your lifeblood…but they can also choke your own vision for your business. If you and your employees are spending too much time attending to client needs and tackling their complex projects, you may not have any time left to think about your own business and growth strategies. Pay attention to time management, and be sure to make time for nurturing and developing new business opportunities outside of your referral network.

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The Role of Email Marketing in New Business Acquisition

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Email marketing certainly still has a place in the world, especially for growing agencies looking to acquire new clients and increase client retention. Take a look at several ways email should be used in any marketing strategy.

Creating Customer Databases that Work

One of the most important steps for driving new business is to create and maintain a healthy database of prospects. Yes, there are quick and dirty ways to create prospect databases using lead lists and other things of that nature, but the reality is that those tactics don’t work. However, what does work is building your database off of real email addresses that real prospects provide.

It’s very cost-effective, easy to utilize, and provides some welcome hard data for businesses that may not know much about their customers yet.

Platform for Campaigns and Brand-Building

When it comes to campaigns and brand awareness, many businesses immediately start thinking about social media and blogging. But email is a speedy way to help increase customer participation and purchases in both areas. Always include email notifications or newsletters when launching a new campaign or announcing a new deal – many customers won’t notice otherwise, but a bold email subject line announcing the deal will draw attention. Likewise, more complex email content can also be used increase awareness and brand loyalty (try using or summarizing your more popular blog posts for this).

Building Buyer Personas

To take audience targeting to the next level, you need to know who needs your product or service and the best ways to reach those people. Using emails as login information is a great way to track potential clients, as well as consistently generate valuable data for marketing initiatives. Specifically, use customer habits gleaned from your email databases to create buyer personas, based on the ideal client you want to attract. Of course, this also requires that you tie email addresses to a CRM and marketing automation system.

Rewarding Loyalty

You can absolutely email coupons and discount codes to your customers to increase business and responses…but this should be done carefully. Email can be a useful platform for customer loyalty rewards, where such coupons and other benefits are sent to long-term or high-purchase customers as a thank you for their business…and an incentive to return.

Future Target Marketing

Finally, your agency should begin customized, personal email marketing as soon as possible. This is a great way to retain customers and use email in a way that few other channels can be used – to craft in-depth and personalized responses. After creating customer databases and building personas, this is absolutely the direction that companies should move to utilize email and win more conversions.

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The Best Days & Times to Send Sales Emails to Prospects

You’ve targeted your ideal prospect and written a personalized and compelling email – but to win new business from senior marketing decision makers you need the prospect to open and reply to your message.

The day and time your email is sent has a major impact on your success. Several studies confirm the best days and times to send emails, but these have primarily focused on B2C emails and have used only open rates to make their recommendations.

This 2014 Yesware study of 500,000 emails, on the other hand, explicitly measures B2B sales emails and bases day and time recommendations on response rates.

Best Day to Send a Cold Email

Many people believe that Mondays are better days to send sales emails since prospects are back in the office. Fridays are believed to be poor, since many decision makers are thought to be on the golf course or at their beach house.

Yesware’s research says otherwise and found replies to be equal across each weekday. This is great news for sales reps that have been cramming their outreach into four weekdays.

As a consultant and sales director at Catapult New Business, I set up sales cadences with six email touch points. The first four messages and the sixth (and final message) are sent on weekdays.

But, I experiment with the fifth message and send it on a weekend. Absurd? This same Yesware study found that weekend emails are 10% more likely to be opened over weekday emails, likely because 80% fewer marketing emails are sent on weekends.

Best Time of Day to Send a Cold Email

Does time of day matter when sending out cold sales emails? Absolutely. The aforementioned Yesware study found that the best times to send cold emails were:

• early mornings (between 6 and 7 a.m.)
• evenings (around 8 p.m.)

Reply rates during these times were around 45%.

I have a two-pronged outreach approach that includes both emails and phone calls. Many people wait to check their voicemails until right before heading home from the office. So I send the voicemail follow up email around 8 p.m., giving the prospect more time to check and hear the voice message I left. When it comes to introduction emails, (ones not following up a voicemail) I send in the early morning.

Keep in mind that each situation is different; if you’re not receiving responses from morning and evening emails, try after-lunch and even later evening emails. Because many senior decision makers tend to work very early or very late, it’s not uncommon for them to respond outside of “regular” hours.

Useful Tools for Scheduling Emails

Good news: Sending emails at specific times does not mean getting up super early or staying up late. Today’s sales development platforms and tools allow you to schedule your emails in advance.

SalesLoft is an excellent example of a program that gives you the ability to set up a multi-touch sales cadence and schedule your emails to go out at specifically designated times.

The added benefit of using such a platform is that you can send your emails at optimal times based on your prospect’s time zone.

Measuring Your Success

An email campaign, like any other campaign, demands careful measurement of results to determine what’s working and what’s not. When looking at results, however, do so in terms of your reply rate—not the number of people whom simply open your emails.

Unfortunately, open rates can be quite misleading. Your tracking tool might record an open when your prospect hasn’t actually opened the message and vice versa.

A better way to measure your outreach success is to use your replies as the metric. To calculate, take the total number of positive replies and divide by the total number of messages sent. Keep in mind; a 50% open rate with a 1% reply rate will lead to fewer opportunities than a 5% open rate with a 10% reply rate.

Key Takeaways

As you can see, there’s a lot to keep in mind when it comes to writing a sales email and deciding when to send it for the best chances of receiving a response. But you can increase your chances for success by:

• Experimenting with “off hour” weekday and weekend emails
• Using tools like SalesLoft to set up a sales cadence and schedule your emails; and
• Measuring success by tracking replies – not opens

These three tactics will help determine areas for improvement and change your sales email strategy as needed. After all, no two prospects are going to be exactly the same.

Author Bio

Christian Banach is an advertising agency new business consultant and sales director at Catapult New Business. You can connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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The 5 Biggest Mistakes Agencies Make When Pitching New Clients [And How to Avoid Them]

Your success or failure in closing a deal with a new client hinges on whether your sales pitch is a homerun or a flop. There are a number of common mistakes that agency folks just like you make everyday and should be avoided at all costs when pitching new business deals.

1. Beginning with an Apology

“I’m sorry I’m late.”
“Apologies that this presentation is a bit lengthy,”
“I’m sorry I didn’t have time to update some of the slides.”  

Opening with an apology of any kind sets a negative tone for the rest of your presentation before you’ve even finished the opening slide.  Not only that, you have also undermined your expertise and planted seeds of doubt with your audience.

2. Avoiding Eye Contact

Not making eye contact with your audience or reading directly off of your presentation will not only bore the audience, but also make you look unprepared. The audience wants to see that you have the confidence and knowledge to speak directly to their concerns and needs without constant reassurance from the slides in your sales deck.  If you avoid making eye contact with your audience — intentionally or unintentionally —  they may think you are being standoffish or that you don’t have the confidence in yourself or your product to effectively close the deal.

3. Dancing Around Tough Questions

If you can’t provide honest and accurate answers about your product, you probably don’t have sufficient information to be making the pitch on your own. Furthermore, how can you expect anyone else to trust you enough to buy what you’re selling if you don’t seem to believe in it? Believing in your product or service is integral to a successful pitch and new client acquisition.

4. Lack of Transparency on Cost & Pricing

This is one of those “tough questions” referenced above. Potential clients will grow suspicious if you dance around the question of cost or pricing. Although it is important to lead with the value of your solution, especially when it comes to that client’s specific needs, you should always be straightforward on the price tag.

Be honest and up front about how much your services are, and back it up with all of the reasons why you and your agency can offer the best solution for their company. Doing so will show them that you aren’t hiding anything when it comes to their investment.

5. Making Excuses

Your clients or potential clients aren’t concerned with why you look disheveled or why you can’t properly organize your thoughts. They also aren’t sitting in your presentation eager to hear all about you, they are there to hear what you can do for them.  Keep to the matter at hand, make your case and confidently answer any questions that your clients have for you.

Key Takeaways

The next time you pitch a prospective client, keep these tips in mind.  Also, don’t be afraid to get advice from other sales professionals who have built a successful new business machine. Do these things and you will be in a much better position to increase new business and drive revenue growth for your agency!

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Five Steps to Creating a Go To Market Strategy That Works
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Five Steps to Creating a Go To Market Strategy That Works

Once there is a resource plan in place, creating a strategy to activate the new business development...

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10 Must-Do Activities to Catapult your Sales Pipeline
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy consumer packaged goods CPG inbound new business trends outbound proactive selling prospect reactive selling

10 Must-Do Activities to Catapult your Sales Pipeline

Marketing team’s are strapped with projects and plans from digital transformations to staying...

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Insights: Sales Growth in an Economic Downturn
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy consumer packaged goods CPG inbound new business trends outbound proactive selling prospect reactive selling

Insights: Sales Growth in an Economic Downturn

In the beginning of 2022, brands struggled with their supply chains and what was thought (at...

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Proactive vs Reactive Selling: Building your revenue streams with both approaches
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy inbound new business trends outbound proactive selling prospect reactive selling RFP

Proactive vs Reactive Selling: Building your revenue streams with both approaches

There are two revenue streams that sales and growth leaders build out: reactive and proactive....

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Prospecting Outreach That More Effectively Opens Doors

Prospecting Outreach That More Effectively Opens Doors

Agency prospecting specialists, Bonnie Buie and Eric Brown, reveal what it now takes to get...

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How Today’s Economic Factors Drive Changes in Buyer Behaviors
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy buying behavior economic downturn lead gen new business trends pandemic prospect

How Today’s Economic Factors Drive Changes in Buyer Behaviors

Time kills deals. Every new business person feels this statement in their bones. They all walk...

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Agency Insights: Market Shifts and Navigating the New Economy
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy conferences lead gen mirren new business trends prospect

Agency Insights: Market Shifts and Navigating the New Economy

If there’s one word that describes 2022, it’s inflation. It’s affecting everything and everyone....

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Recap of Strategies from the Mirren New Business Conference
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy conferences lead gen mirren new business trends prospect

Recap of Strategies from the Mirren New Business Conference

We heard a lot of things this year at the Mirren New Business Conference. Aside from all of...

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Winning Your Next RFP: Get on the Brand’s Winning Shortlist
agency business development agency prospecting discovery call outbound strategy

Winning Your Next RFP: Get on the Brand’s Winning Shortlist

Many times when a brand releases a Request For Proposal (RFP) to the public, they already know...

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On-Demand Webinar: Secrets to Beating the RFP Process
agency agency business development agency prospecting discovery call outbound leads outbound strategy prospecting webinar

On-Demand Webinar: Secrets to Beating the RFP Process

Many times when a brand releases a Request For Proposal (RFP) to the public, they already know...

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The Discovery Call: Your Chance to Uncover An Exclusive Opportunity
agency business development agency prospecting discovery call outbound strategy

The Discovery Call: Your Chance to Uncover An Exclusive Opportunity

A discovery call is the first of many conversations and can be defined as a time to uncover...

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On-Demand Webinar: You got the meeting. Now What?
agency agency business development agency prospecting discovery call outbound leads outbound strategy prospecting webinar

On-Demand Webinar: You got the meeting. Now What?

A discovery call is the first of many conversations and can be defined as a time to uncover...

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Q&A: How Do I Get More Meetings Through Proactive Outreach?

Q&A: How Do I Get More Meetings Through Proactive Outreach?

Research shows that brands are looking at not only capabilities but industry expertise and...

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On Demand Webinar: Getting Started With Lists

On Demand Webinar: Getting Started With Lists

Research shows that brands are not only looking at capabilities but industry expertise and...

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Agency Burnout: Pitch After Pitch is Killing Staff Morale
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency partner burnout new business trends pitch prospect

Agency Burnout: Pitch After Pitch is Killing Staff Morale

It’s no secret; the business development process is grueling.  Even Digiday reported...

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New Business Trends of 2022 –  Part 3 of 3
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency partner new business trends prospect

New Business Trends of 2022 – Part 3 of 3

We’re rounding out 2022 new business trends with a focus on Experimental Budgets. Those elusive...

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The 12 Ads That Made Us Smile This Season
advertising agency agency business development agency growth agency partner holiday prospecting new business trends prospect

The 12 Ads That Made Us Smile This Season

And on the 1st day of Christmas, my true love (ahem, Winmo), gave to me… With holiday cheer...

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New Business Trends of 2022 –  Part 2 of 3
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency partner new business trends prospect

New Business Trends of 2022 – Part 2 of 3

The past two years forced many agencies to take a hard look internally at their business development...

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New Business Trends of 2022 –  Part 1 of 3
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency partner agency prospecting prospect

New Business Trends of 2022 – Part 1 of 3

Success in the new year hinges on our ability to understand and predict the current and future...

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How to Encourage Client Referrals & Testimonials for More New Business

How to Encourage Client Referrals & Testimonials for More New Business

Wouldn’t it be great to assign your agency’s new business responsibilities to your...

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Brands Are Searching for 2022 Partners Now
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency partner agency prospecting brand planning prospect

Brands Are Searching for 2022 Partners Now

When planning for the new year, the common perception is that most companies begin planning...

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Get more out of your case studies
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency prospecting case studies outbound strategy prospect

Get more out of your case studies

Case studies are useful guides to educate and influence your prospective new clients. While...

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Win More Podcast
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency prospecting outbound strategy prospect

Win More Podcast

Recently we had the opportunity to join team Winmo on their Win More Podcast to talk everything...

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Your agency has a sales culture and it may be holding you back
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency prospecting outbound strategy prospect

Your agency has a sales culture and it may be holding you back

Every day there are more and more articles posted about the importance of your overall corporate...

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Q2 is Over, But 2021 is Only Getting Started
agency agency business development agency growth agency new business strategy agency prospecting new normal outbound strategy prospect

Q2 is Over, But 2021 is Only Getting Started

It’s been six months. Six months of a slow, methodical, pragmatism by the market to get back...

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6 Ways Video Meetings Have Improved Client Relationships
agency client relationships agency new agency new business agency prospecting agency sales video conferences

6 Ways Video Meetings Have Improved Client Relationships

It’s been over a year since we all began the trial and error of remote working and virtual...

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Better Predict Your Future New Business Success
agency business development agency lead measures agency new business agency new business strategy lead generation lead measures new business

Better Predict Your Future New Business Success

2020 has taught us many things, but one of the biggest learnings has been around most of our...

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Featured Author Post: Operationalizing Your Agency’s New Business Strategy
agency new business agency new business strategy new business new business growth

Featured Author Post: Operationalizing Your Agency’s New Business Strategy

By Jody Sutter New business is one of those responsibilities that should be fully integrated...

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Why Your Biz Dev Team Needs Those Updated Assets
agency business development agency prospecting business development business development director business development team prospecting

Why Your Biz Dev Team Needs Those Updated Assets

Is your agency completely overwhelmed with an insanely busy month? One where your team has...

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What Business Development Director Persona Does Your Agency Need?
agency business development agency new business business development personas

What Business Development Director Persona Does Your Agency Need?

In the past, we’ve talked about what qualities you should look for in a Business Development...

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6 Conferences Your Agency Should Attend in 2021
agency events conferences virtual conferences virtual events

6 Conferences Your Agency Should Attend in 2021

By now, our “new normal” feels a little less weird and a lot less chaotic than...

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How to: Use a niche when your agency is full service
account-based marketing agency business development agency prospecting business development lead generation lead generation services sales leads sales pipeline sales process

How to: Use a niche when your agency is full service

Agency Type Full-Service Creative Target Consumer Goods The Process Many agencies that have...

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New Business Opportunities in 2021
agency business development agency new business

New Business Opportunities in 2021

By now, many of you have read the original and probably seen articles referencing AdWeek’s...

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How to: Find a meeting in the financial sector
account-based marketing agency business development agency prospecting business development lead generation lead generation services sales leads sales pipeline sales process

How to: Find a meeting in the financial sector

Agency Type Brand and Customer Experience Target Finance & Professional Services The Process New...

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Top Tips for New Business Prospecting During the Holidays
agency new business agency prospecting holiday prospecting

Top Tips for New Business Prospecting During the Holidays

The holiday season can be a tough time for new business pros as they try and navigate prospects’...

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How to: Create a New Business Opportunity in 11 Days
account-based marketing agency business development agency prospecting business development lead generation lead generation services sales leads sales pipeline sales process

How to: Create a New Business Opportunity in 11 Days

Agency Type Creative Production Agency Target Food & Bev, Small-Mid Size Companies The...

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The tech stack you need for proper agency new business development
account-based marketing agency business development agency prospecting business development lead generation lead generation services sales leads sales pipeline sales process

The tech stack you need for proper agency new business development

Every year the tech stack available for agency new business pros changes exponentially it seems. ...

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Is Your Agency Ready to Outsource Lead Generation?

Is Your Agency Ready to Outsource Lead Generation?

Outsourcing lead generation is a great option for many agencies. It supplements already over-taxed...

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How to Accelerate Your Agency’s Lead Generation During a Market Shift
account-based marketing agency business development agency prospecting business development lead generation lead generation services sales leads sales pipeline sales process

How to Accelerate Your Agency’s Lead Generation During a Market Shift

Given the recent market shifts, everyone’s asking themselves, “How do we get incremental new...

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Prospecting For Agencies In Today’s Climate: Three Key Elements of a Successful Email
ABM approach agency positioning COVID-19 pandemic prospecting

Prospecting For Agencies In Today’s Climate: Three Key Elements of a Successful Email

The conversation around email is different than what it would have been just three weeks ago,...

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Three Things Your Agency Can Do While Others Are Standing Still
agency new business agency partner pandemic

Three Things Your Agency Can Do While Others Are Standing Still

You’ve built and run an agency because you wanted to change (or at least impact) the world....

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6 Interview Questions For Agency Business Development Directors
agency management agency new business hiring interviews new business growth

6 Interview Questions For Agency Business Development Directors

The average agency-client relationship lasts 36 months, which means at any given moment one...

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Attract The Game Changer Client For Your Agency
agency business development agency positioning agency sales client wins target audience

Attract The Game Changer Client For Your Agency

The new year is here. And now is the time you’ll activate the plan you’ve spent countless...

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It All Starts With The Target List: Steps To Efficient Proactive Prospecting
agency business development agency growth lead gen marketing tips new business growth prospect list prospecting list sales prospecting

It All Starts With The Target List: Steps To Efficient Proactive Prospecting

When embarking on a proactive prospecting program, there are some core steps that can’t be...

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The Ultimate Agency Growth Funnel
agency business development agency growth growth funnel new business growth new business prospecting prospecting revenue goals sales funnel

The Ultimate Agency Growth Funnel

Can you believe we’re approaching an entirely new decade? As you begin planning for 2020 new...

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A Brand New Look For Catapult

A Brand New Look For Catapult

Big news today! After almost twenty years, we’re introducing a brand new look for Catapult...

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Preempting A Review From Mirren’s Brent Hodges

Preempting A Review From Mirren’s Brent Hodges

When a new decision maker arrives, when do you move to preempting a review? It can hit like...

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16 Must-Know Prospecting Stats For Your Agency

16 Must-Know Prospecting Stats For Your Agency

Prospecting for a strong pipeline is your first hurdle in the new business process, and is...

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Agency Awards To Consider In Q4
agency awards agency new business agency positioning award programs awards business development creative awards

Agency Awards To Consider In Q4

Awards are the best way to get independent feedback on the quality of your work. We understand...

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8 Tips For Closing The Sale
agency business development agency new business agency sales tips for closing

8 Tips For Closing The Sale

Let’s set the scene here: You’ve managed to secure a meeting with a C-level executive for a...

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Four Tips to Help You Craft a Powerful Pitch For Your Agency

Four Tips to Help You Craft a Powerful Pitch For Your Agency

Your elevator pitch is the most important tool for converting strangers into clients. And guess...

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“Catapult came to the rescue and saved me from what otherwise would have been a long and stressful situation. To have been provided with a business development professional with that level of experience and understanding of my business, well, I just couldn’t have received that anywhere else.”

Co-founder, Full Service Marketing Agency

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